Wednesday, June 4, 2008

this is mr spanky.which i think all of you are familiar with.
which somehow i think he's try to seek attention
and trying to act cute,but it didnt work on me though.

dont tell me he's cute.he's going to be hao lian if he's ever gonna hear it.
so even is he's cute. SHHHHHHHH.
chan baby is ulti-sweet.i think perhaps he ate
something really sweet or something like that?
tmr having lesson from 9 to 11 then no more lesson.
no life right,ya that's what i wanna say if you haven't realise it.
and it's uber boring can.
my timetable is weirdo.totally weirdo.
term break next week,and oh i should say
project's not even break can.hahahhaahahhaa,
we still got so many projects to be completed.
it's not a term break,it's called a term PPRROOJJEECCTTSS.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i hate it.
huwehc iewarc 19yc198y5ohaoiewhrocoewihfwi!#*$#
slap projects!hao mah?
sense of insecurities covered up by LOVE.

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